Like the Gutenberg Press in Renaissance Europe, the internet, technology and global communication has given rise to a new age of enlightenment that a global society is only beginning to acknowledge.

It is a Red Pill look under the hood at the roots of men and women's "need to believe" in love, God and the metaphysical to solve our mating imperatives.Are Old Order beliefs hindering our progress in today's data-driven New Age of Enlightenment? Since 2000, global access to information has exploded. In this 4th book of the Rational Male series author, Rollo Tomassi, connects the dots between human beings' evolved mating imperatives and the spiritual beliefs spawned by them that still influence society in the data age. The Rational Male(R) - Religion is an exploration of human intersexual dynamics and their influence on spiritual belief, religion and social values.

Are female imperatives assimilating patriarchal religions?.

How is an idealistic Romantic Love destroying modern churches?.Why is marriage the worst life-decision a man can make today?.Why is premarital sex forbidden by religion?.